Lamaze Chill Teether Single Pack SKU: Y5288L
Only teethers with production code K1920ALP01 or E1920ALP01 are included in
this recall. Sold in NZ between 1st March 2021 to present
Defect: The recall is due to microbial contamination. The liquid filling in
production code K1920ALP01 is contaminated with the bacteria Sphingomonas sp
and the liquid filling in production code E1920ALP01 is contaminated with the
bacteria Staphylococcus epidermidis
Hazard: Product contaminated with Sphingomonas sp or Staphylococcus
epidermidis may cause infection or illness in children with weakened immune
system if teether is punctured and the liquid filling is ingested
What to do: Consumers should immediately stop using the product and keep
out of reach of children.
The production code can be found directly on the back of the packaging and on
the product itself. Only teethers with production code K1920ALP01 and
E1920ALP01 are included in this recall
Contact details: Please return the item to :
Baby First NZ, 25 Nga Mahi Road, Sockburn, Christchurch 8042
Baby First will provide a replacement Lamaze item to all affected consumers. Do not return the item to
New Zealand Importer/Distributor
Baby First New Zealand
25 Nga Mahi Road, Sockburn, Christchurch
New Zealand Phone: +64 (3) 338 7613